All-in-one services

Empowering Organizations with Analytics

Customer Challenges

Customers Churn || Insufficient Value and Experience Drivers || Suboptimal Promotion Returns

Talent Challenges

Recruitment Renege || Inconsistent Success in Roles || Scattered Talent Information || Key Talent Attrition

Operational Challenges

Mismatched Demand and Supply || Roadblocks in Cost Optimization || Unsure of Emerging Tech Role

Best solutions

Strategy to reach your goals.

We help organizations build, scale and deploy ML and AI Solutions to solve business challenges through a process of

  • Empathize – Identify Users

  • Define – Business Problem

  • Ideate – Aggressively Collaborate

  • Prototype – Wireframes

  • Test – With Users

  • Implement – Iterate

Our Platforms

Pi Sights

A web based platform which helps software organization collate, analyze and visualize performance of projects and programs across multiple roles in the organization.

Pi Connect

A comprehensive web based analytics platform with interactive dashboards and analytics outputs on key customer related questions segmentation, churn, retention, lifetime value, etc.

Pi Talent

A web based HR analytics platform which reveals key insights, giving you solid, reliable answers to strategic talent management questions.