Supercharge Talent Teams

  • Integrated Data – Supercharge Talent decision making with the power of integrated data. Combining data from operations with tadeonal talent data reveals disruptive patterns.

  • Visual Analytics – Powerful visual dashboards with drill down capabilities show not only the current trends but causal factors.

  • Descriptive Analytics – With the inbuilt Descriptive analytics suite Pi-Talent ensures that the talent teams are never bereft of correlations to back their critical decision making.

Advanced Analytics

  • Machine Learning and AI – Machine Learning and AI drive the core of the Talent Predictions in Pi-Talent. With advanced algorithms as the core, talent teams are more proactive and efficient.

  • Simulation and Optimization – Simulation modules helps organizations simulate what-if scenarios and plan key decisions avoiding costly reworks and false starts.

Empowered Actions

  • Web Based Intelligence – With a web based interface, access to insights is almost real-time and transparent across the management layer. This ensure reduced ambiguity and a huge gain in productivity as the focus shifts from reports to inferences and actions.

  • Precise Actions – With access to the causal factors, talent teams now plan actions with higher return on investment. Its no more generic actions for all but personalized actions plans with clear expectations

We Help Organizations with

  • Workforce Analytics – Forecast and Plan demand and supply. Optimize resource utilization.

  • Recruitment Analytics – Predict key factors for renege, target most favorable segments for recruitment.

  • Retention Analytics – Analyze and Predict key levers – individuals or groups at risk – and identify action accordingly.

  • Performance Analytics – Predicting the success of individuals.

  • Survey Analytics – Predicting clusters of employees on similar engagement patterns based on employees satisfaction survey.

  • AI Driven Chatbots – Reduce operational effort of teams though AI driven Bots. Bots work alongside your teams to take up the most common queries and answer them, saving valuable time and resources.

Our services

Other services we offer

Pi Connect

Our Customer Analytics Platform uses Machine Learning and AI to answer key questions across the customer lifecycle. It help you optimize acquisition, improve engagement and prevent churn. Thus helping you maximize revenues while giving your customers a great experience.

Pi Sights

A web based Talent Analytics platform which reveals key insights, giving you solid, reliable answers to strategic talent management questions. It offers hindsight’s on events which have happened and its machine learning core helps give foresights into key talent issues like in recruitment, performance, engagement and retention.