Powerful Insights

  • Powerful – A vast arsenal of predictive modules, and visual libraries makes Insights Analytics Platform the perfect toolbox for any technology organization.

  • Scalable – Scales up rapidly across locations and users, don’t be limited by desk top licenses when speaking scale

  • Room to Grow – Extend the capabilities with our add on services for custom prediction model building as well as custom dashboards and integrations with your inhouse applications, when you are ready to take your analytics to the next step.

Prediction Modelling

  • Machine Learning Algorithms – Tap into a series of machine learning models to take your predictions into the next layer

  • Monte Carlo Based Prediction Model – Built in Monte Carlo simulation modules helps you define Simulation models and deploy the same directly to projects all in a click.

  • Discrete Event Model – Easy-to-use graphical interface to model support projects and their key parameters and all this directly in the browser

Metrics and Data Management

  • Metrics Management – Define key project and process objectives along with their targets. Leverage the more then 100 pre-defined metrics that is already available and just set targets for the same

  • Data Cleaning – As you load ensure that clean data is entering the system with our in built data cleaner. This module ensures that only the right data is entering the system.

Visual Analytics

  • Visual Dashboards – Track performance across lifecycles with the help in lucid graphs driving information and insights.

  • Target based indicators – Customize targets for each lifecycle and metrics and ensure that there are early alerts available

  • Statistical Analysis – Performance Baselining is automatically done and hence saves all the time that was required for manually collecting cleaning and preparing the baseline reports.

Our services

Other services we offer

Pi Connect

Our Customer Analytics Platform uses Machine Learning and AI to answer key questions across the customer lifecycle. It help you optimize acquisition, improve engagement and prevent churn. Thus helping you maximize revenues while giving your customers a great experience.

Pi Talent

A web based Talent Analytics platform which reveals key insights, giving you solid, reliable answers to strategic talent management questions. It offers hindsight’s on events which have happened and its machine learning core helps give foresights into key talent issues like in recruitment, performance, engagement and retention.